A bipartisan group of senators reintroduced the "Farm to Fly Act" aimed at supporting the development of sustainable aviation fuel production through current USDA programs.
The Center for Biological Diversity has filed a petition with three separate federal agencies to ban the use of certain pesticides on food, notably atrazine, glyphosate and paraquat. The petition does not include the use of pesticides on animal feed or crops grown as biofuels.
"There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience."
In 1908 President Roosevelt's Country Life Commission was established and focused attention on the problems of farm wives and the difficulty of keeping children on the farm
Cotton farmers face a tough economic scenario that is expected to trim plantings of the crop this spring, according to an early season intentions survey.
Farmers enter this season without a post-emergence, over-the-top dicamba product registered for weed control in soybeans and cotton. What does it mean for the controversial chemistry? Here are some do's and don'ts.
The Soybean Innovation Lab, based at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, was formed in 2011 to provide researchers and organizations with the resources needed to advance soybean development. The lab is comprised of over 100 technical soybean experts from 24 countries, each representing a variety of institutions.